micro:bit & teachable machine (AI)

On twitter I saw a really nice post from Cora Yang where she used the platform https://microbitai.inventor.city/ to make a combination with the https://teachablemachine.withgoogle.com/ and the micro:bit. Offcourse I had to try this too.

I tested this tool again today (27 may 2024) and it is not working anymore. There is a new tool from the micro:bit foundation.

You have to follow these 3 steps:

  • First you have to train the computer with the teachable machine and add your images, sounds or movement. Then you train your computer and export this data to a link.
  • Second you go the this link and you will come in the makecode, where you change the names of the classes you have made and you can add extra blocks or sound to the code. Offcourse you have to download this code to you micro:bit. I have used this code for my micro:bit.
  • Third now you go to the microbit ai and you connect your micro:bit and you add your export your link made in the teachable machine. It is all working. How fun this is.
First train the computer with the teachable machine from google and export this model and copy the link. Second change this basic code with your training classes. You can add music and other picto’s. Download this code to you micro:bit.
disconnect your micro:bit
Third connect your micro:bit to this microbit AI website to the mbed Serial Port and look at the result.

This is really a fun way to talk about AI, training a computer, how this simple code can see and read the data from the export link. How you can use AI on your micro:bit. I have tried it allready with students and we had lots of fun.

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