micro:bit and Minecraft

In a micro:bit champions meeting their was a session from Justin Edwards and he showed us that it is possible to use a micro:bit as a controller in Minecraft. I found that really interesting. So last month I tried it out. In this paper your will find the documentation.

On the micro:bit you have to:

  • Make a new project in MakeCode.com
  • Search for a new block Bluetooth keyboard
  • add microbit-pxt-blehid
  • now you can use those new blocks
  • here is my link
  • Download this code to your micro:bit

On the Minecraft site you have to:

  • Download the Minecraft
  • Make sure your Bluetooth is on at your computer
  • add a device
  • a Bluetooth device
  • if your micro:bit is on you will see your micro:bit
  • click on it and you are ready to go!

When you are finished make sure that you disconnect your micro:bit as a Bluetooth keyboard!

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